
Saturday 30 August 2014

Matte Dots & Candy Colors Fluorescent Polish #11 Review

You know I have a thing for glowing nails, right? So far I only saw my nails glowing green-ish and I was quite curious about this red glowing polish I was about to try. I'll show you the nail art first...

I didn't know how to use neon pink in nail art, I don't really wear pinks and reds much, so I ended up with the simplest design: dots. I say neon but you see subtle pink? Oh yes, I'm sorry, my camera didn't capture the colour properly.

Continue reading for the review, photos of the red glow and most importantly more photos of glowing dotticure! Oh, and just so you know: picture heavy!

Sunday 24 August 2014

Dripping From A Side

These were sort of nail fail... But I picked some decent photos so it doesn't look like a disaster at all. I had no exact plan when I started painting these, I took a fan brush, made gradient base and started thinking. I decided to do drops, but it was a busy week, so I didn't manage to do them on both hands. I thought I would finish my nails later, but I didn't get to it fast enough - I removed these after only two days of wearing.

Above I chose to use my old hand pose for the drops.
Below is my right hand I never finished.

Saturday 16 August 2014


I had the idea of painting a landscape on my mind for a while... You see, I LOVE painting landscapes on regular canvas, but I couldn't imagine wearing a landscape painting on my nails. Well, the time came and I gave it a go.

I didn't really like the outcome on my left hand, so I left the right unfinished, no hills, just sky.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Op Art! (+tutorial)

today I'm showing you a mani I did back in June, I had it on my mind for a while and when I finally got to do it I knew it would be a perfect one for a tutorial. My Arts teacher in school paid a lot of attention to modern art history and he got me interested in it as well.
Well, have a look!

Keep reading for a tutorial!

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Purple Splashes

Whoa, it's been two weeks since my last post, I'm terribly ashamed.
My last week was pretty busy and today I finally got to editing photos and writing posts. I loved wearing the design I have for you today, I made it when I was trying my new Born Pretty brushes (review here) and I discovered I could do awesome abstractions with a fan brush.