


(The) Me
I'm Marge (for the internet at least) from the Czech Republic. 
I discovered nail art in summer 2012 and surprisingly I didn't feel the need to polish my nails before that. It was either nail art or naked nails, nothing inbetween. Later on I learned to wear plain polish but nail art always wins for me. I also enjoy regular painting and drawing, so when I have my nails as my canvas it's like having a little art piece that anyone I meet can see.
The Blog
I started this blog in summer 2013 to publish and archive my nail art, I hated the fact, that some awesome designs were gone for good and nobody would see them again unless I re-did them.
The Name
Coming up with a name for this blog was a hard one. I wanted a name connected to me, but nothing too obvious (like Marge's Nails, no way). So instead of using my regular pseudonym, I chose to use a nick Aluminium, that I use wherever I can't or don't want to use my regular one.
