
Saturday 3 August 2013

NOTD - High on Nails

today I'll be showing you another NOTD, another design I did using acrylic paint (there will be no acrylics in next post, promise).

At first, I wanted the colours to be subtle, so the first two nails I did - ring and middle finger - have nude base (Rimmel 367 Bare Necessities). Then, when I saw the result, I changed my mind and painted pinky and index finger white base (Gabriella Salvete 148). I couldn't see much of a difference, so I painted my thumb nude again.

Right hand turned out so much different this time. I would menage to make it as nice as the left, but I had just half an hour left to finish my nails, so I painted it less precise. I like it this way, though having one hand different than the other bothers me a bit. For the right I used white base colour (Gabriella Salvete 148).

This is exactly the kind of pattern I would like to stare at being high (though brighter colours would make it more exciting, next time). The design came to my mind through tie dye, it ended up this way, which is neater.

I hope you like it as much as I do!


  1. omg this is cooler than cool!

    1. thanks! and you are like the first person commenting on this blog ever, so, made my day, thanks for that too :D


Your comments always cheer me up so much! So don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on nail art, the post or to ask any questions.