
Thursday 15 August 2013


This is a manicure I have for this week's Nail Art Idea Linkup theme, which is Sea. Painting sea on my nails just didn't suite me, I couldn't come up with anything original for a long time and when I did, it didn't come out the way I imagined anyway. But here goes, I also added some seashells for the photos to make you feel more like "oh, that looks totally like sea!".

So, my idea of this was: sea is salty, my pinkie represents salt; ring and middle finger represent water; index finger and thumb show weird coloured sand, because not all sand has that nice light colour (which I wasn't able to make out of my acrylics, obviously).

To do the salty pinkie, I painted my nail white, then, while it was still wet, I covered it in tiny glitter and when the first layer dried, I put another white layer over it. Of course white textured polish would work better, but I don't own one.
Ring and middle finger were done using acrylics on white base, I added few pieces of round glitter, then I topped it off with regular and matte top coat, because I intended to make it look like dripped with water adding glossy dots on the matte surface, which I really did, but it is not visible.
Index finger and thumb are covered in acrylics on nude base, top coated. I wanted to make them kind of textured, so I took a straw dipped in top coat and (the surface of the nail wasn't completely dry and hard) I pushed the straw in the surface one spot after the other, to make it rough. (I hope this is understandable and I'm sorry if I made any grammatical mistakes, please correct me :D)
I hope you can see now what I was going for and that - in real life - this is not just regular white-water-sand manicure.

Also, if I had more textured polish, this could have been neater. I'm not entirely happy with the result, but it would be a pity not to show you.

Polishes I used:
Gabriella Salvete 148 (white)
Rimmel 367 Bare Necessities (nude)
Miss Sporty Check Matte
Essence BTGN Top Sealer


  1. It's amazing! I can even see a hint of next weeks theme ... sand! You already got it. Wow

    1. thank you! and the sand thing only means I'll have to be more creative next week :)

  2. I don't own white textured polish either and I love that you made your own !


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