
Thursday 31 October 2013

Triangle Princess

Hello there! This is a mani I made for my trip to London. I bought (this) Gabriella Salvete 07 Princess textured polish two days before departure and I wanted to use it in my trip nails.The morning I did these, I didn't have much time, so I went with quite uncomplicated design I've done before, it's originally inspired by Chalkboard Nails' design.

right hand surprisingly turned out better than left

Older version (= bad photo), much more chalkboard inspired:

White base is Gabriella Salvete 148, triangles were done with acrylics (partly filled with Princess), little and index finger are gorgeous textured pink Gabriella Salvete 07 Princess that I love for its colour, lasting, texture, everything. (Sadly, it's three coater, but I didn't mind, as it dried quickly.) Does it get any better? Yes, I bought it for 70% of its original price! (original was 89 CZK, about 3,50 €, in sale for 62 CZK, about 2,50€)

Sorry if the cuticles look little funny, I had so little time to take the photos that I didn't do much clean up and I fixed it afterwards in Photofiltre (photo editor I use).
Take care!


  1. A ja som Princess akurát včera odlakovala :) Podarená manikúra :)

  2. This is so cute! Love the sweetness of the pink hue :D ♥

  3. jojo, viděla jsem tvoje krásé fotky :) další týden (asi po měsíci, protože tyhle nejsou aktuální) se na ni chystám zase, tentokrát floral ;) a díky!

  4. oh, thanks! :) and I love how light pink goes with whatever outfit you're wearing :D


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