
Thursday 7 November 2013

Princess' Roses

I wanted something nice, something that goes well with red and something I enjoy doing.

For the floral design, I used white Gabriella Salvete 148 base and acrylic paint. The gorgeous pink textured polish on remaining fingers is Gabriella Salvete 07 Princess, which gave this post a tittle. It's fast drying three coater (also used in Triangle Princess design).

Look how lovely it is!

I'm considering doing a step by step tutorial, because I get asked how to do this floral, but it feels kinda useless with so many other floral tutorials out there, what do you think? My favourite is Chelsea's YT tutorial, also mentioned in my first (floral) post on this blog.

Photo above shows the shimmer that is way more visible in the bottle than on nails. Talking about finishes, I sealed the floral design with NYC Turbo Dry top coat and made it matte with Miss Sporty Check Matte. There is no top coat on Princess, naturally.

Bye bye!


Your comments always cheer me up so much! So don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on nail art, the post or to ask any questions.