
Thursday 19 December 2013

Dripping Winter Evening

Hi! With the days getting shorter I don't always make to take my photos in proper light, that's why I named this "Winter Evening" - the photos were taken around 3:30 pm but the light was shit, felt more like 6 pm. But hey, they don't look that bad after all, do they?
By the way, I switched to extra large photos and jumps on the home page, what do you think?

left hand

right hand
Why drops? I wanted to use this mint polish but I was really uninspired, so I just went with drops.

What I used:

Rimmel 500 Peppermint
white acrylic paint
Gabriella Salvete 148 (white)
NEL glitter polish (no name)
NYC Turbo Dry top coat

I didn't like these nails at first but they look just fine to me now, looking back at the photos. You know that, right? When you get to like a design after you take it off.
Take care! :)


  1. It's a cool colour combo and I don't see anything wrong with your photos.

  2. I love how you used the glitter, so pretty! <3

  3. Thank you! I see the problem myself when I click "join this site", but it's crazy impossible to solve it! I'm sorry, maybe follow other way? I'd really love to fix this, so if you knew what to do, tell me :)
    Or, isn't there a way to join someone's GFC that would work? :D I'm clueless

  4. I have no idea, sorry. I follow by checking my blog roll daily but for others, I'm not sure. Maybe removing the gadget then reloading it?

  5. I tried that, but it didn't change anything... even when I try to log in to GFC as admin of something like that, it doesn't work... "unable to handle your request"

  6. Uh oh, love it.
    And love your pics with mugs, a great perspective on the whole mani! Plus, I love mugs, so. Win win.

  7. thank you very much for all your lovely comments! great to know what others enjoy on my designs and photos, and feel free to add some critique too! :)


Your comments always cheer me up so much! So don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on nail art, the post or to ask any questions.