How to and more photos after the jump!
Polish Pals also made a tutorial for her mani, I partly followed it, but it was little different with the aluminium and I'd like to share my process too.
What I used:
Rimmel 800 Black Out
NYC Turbo Dry top coat
enii-nails matt finish top coat
toothpick (or similar)
piece of aluminium foil
The process:
Prepare everything before you get to polishing your nails. Take a piece of aluminium foil and cut it into tiny pieces. To cut it more quickly, cut it to stripes, put those stripes together and cut that. (as shown)
When you have it all cut and prepared, polish your nails black. If you have two coater like me, you can polish all 10 nails and then come back to the first nail, put on second layer of polish and start placing pieces of foil in the wet polish. You need to work quickly so the polish doesn't dry, but when it does you can always add another layer of clear polish or glue the foil with dot of polish on your nail. Finish one nail and move to another, put second layer of polish, start placing pieces... and so on.
At the end make sure the surface is smooth, seal it with two or three coats of top coat (one is good, but not totally smooth, I covered it in two coats of NYC top coat and one coat of half-matte top coat).
The removal is pretty similar to glitter, I used aluminium foil method to remove my aluminium design :D.
And as usual, a bit of matching the outfit:
You can see new button in the sidebar: I finally set pinterest for Nailuminium, the thing I like about this is that you can browse my nail art by categories, I used that a lot at Chalkboard Nails' pinterest when I started with nail art. I wanted floral, I browsed her floral pinboard. I wanted tape, I browsed her tape manicures pinboard, all in one place. I also made Inspired by Nailuminium board, where I pin your recreations and have them all in one place too (let me know about your recreations so I can pin them there! :).
I'm afraid I will be posting just about once a week now, I don't have enough nail art to post more, I only polish my nails once a week during the school year, hope you understand, sorry.
Take care!
Nádherný :)) Taky jsem na ty nehty na facebooku koukala a hned po zkouškovým si s nima chci vyhrát. A taky mě napadl alobal, protože Color Club Diamond Drops má ty střípky dost nepoddajný, tvrdý a snadno se olupují. Tak jsem ráda, když vidím, že to s alobalem vážně jde :) Precizní provedení a opět skvělé fotky :)
ReplyDeleteskvělé fotky? :D ani nevíš jak se těším na léto právě proto, že budu mít konečně dobré světlo na fotky a nebudou mít nezdravě modrý/šedý nádech... jsem ráda, že to irituje jen mě.
ReplyDeleteno, děkuji, tohle bylo vážně nenáročné na hlavu a docela pro každého, ne jako nail art levou rukou :D jde to dobře, dokonce i sundat :) - akorát se alobal tak parádně netřpytí
Světlo nesvětlo, oceňuji tu kompozici a ostrost :) A vůbec máš jedny z nejlepších fotek z českých nehtoblogerek :)
ReplyDeleteNail art levou rukou je vždycky děs, to aby člověk radšin chodil se vzorem na levé a jednou barvou laku na pravé :D
These are so stunning and such a simple idea! I'm sorry to hear you're posts will be going down to once a week because I love your art so much! (but I totally understand, I will be luck to post once a week as this is my senior year.) Also, really neat idea about the pinterest boards, I will check them out and hopefully you'll be posting some of my recreations of your nails! :)
ReplyDeletethank you very much! I'd love to see (and post-pin) your reacreations when there are some! :)
ReplyDeleteMoc hezké :) a děkuji Mademoiselle M za odkaz na tento blog :)
ReplyDeletethis is so wonderful and I have this on my to-do list!
ReplyDeletethank you! don't forget to share it with me then ;)
ReplyDeletevery original ! looks great!
ReplyDeleteI should have cut smaller...
ReplyDeletehaha, just a little, looks fine anyway, doesn't it? :) thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteQue idea tan genial! Jamás se me hubiese ocurrido. Muy pero que muy bonita
ReplyDeleteI understand just the first sentence, but still I guess: thank you! :D
ReplyDeleteThese look stunning! The shattered glass look is gorgeous, definitely going to give these a try!
ReplyDeletethank you, lucy!
ReplyDeleteAh, very clever. Like bits of mirror! I may have to try something like this myself!
ReplyDeletethank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sarah! You've been huge inspiration to me, it would be very flattering if I inspired you for a change ;)