
Sunday 2 February 2014

Tropical Tribal (+tutorial)

Hi! I'm in a rush right now, so I'll make this quick. Today's mani was inspired by Coewlesspolish's design from June 2013. My work in nowhere as neat as hers, but hopefully I'll get there one day.
plus these nails looked way neater in person, I swear :D

Oh yes, I chose pretty bright colours; I got bored of winter being dark and dull.

Tuto and more after the jump!

Here goes.
The process 
1. Paint your nails white to make the colour pop. (Especially when using neons.)
2. Start with two stripes at the sides (blue and pink) and finish with smooth stripe of yellow in the middle (or whatever colour you choose.) You can use polish bottle brushes, doesn't need to be perfect, you can cover imperfections with black stripes in following steps.
3.-6. Time to doodle. Use longer brush and remember symmetry is the key.

What I used
Gabriella Salvete 148 (white)
Rimmel 500 Peppermint (mint)
S-he 387 (pink)
Avon Inspire (yellow)
black acrylic paint
NYC Turbo Dry top coat

I managed to take photos with my thumb visible, unbelievable.
I was really pleased with this Avon yellow polish, I got it for christmas and it was great to work with, plus I loved the brush.

Well, I hope you like this mani although the photos make it look worse than it did.
How do you feel about wearing bright colours during winter?
Bye bye!


  1. they look like nail wraps, that's incredible! thanks for the tuto, I will try this for sure!

  2. do they? thank you very much, I really thought (think) they don't look that good :D
    (and, you know, as always, show me if you try ;) )

  3. Beautiful design, I love how colorful it is! I want to try this!

  4. Just beautiful! Love your tribal nails! thaks fot the tuto! the design is great!

  5. no problem, these tutorials are so much easier to do than taking photos during the process ;)

    thank you very much!

  6. SO awesome! No way I could ever do that much detail with the way my hands shake!

  7. Thank you! is there a reason for the shaking? my hands are shaky in the morning or when I'm tired too, no nail art at that time :D


Your comments always cheer me up so much! So don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on nail art, the post or to ask any questions.