
Sunday 25 August 2013

NOTD - Indian Skittlette

Last night I sat down and I knew I wanted to do a skittlette mani, but the question was, what would the main design be. I was lost, no ideas in my head, and in such cases, choosing a polish combo first usually works best. So I chose two colours that I really liked together - Rimmel 405 Rose Libertine and Rimmel 312 Ultra Violet - and tribal came to my head right after that. Problem solved.

Later another day, a friend of mine looked at my nails and said: "Oh! Indian nails today?" (in fact, he said: "Dneska takové indiánské?", but that's too Czech for this blog), by that he gave this post a title.

For the tribal design, I used acrylics on white base of Gabriella Salvete 148.

Finally I have both-hands design for you. Although painting/drawing with my left hand makes me nervous and very impatient, it is still worth it. This time my right hand wasn't in perfect condition either, but it doesn't really show in person.

Do hands look better on black background? I can't decide.
It feels nice to have both hands painted the same after a week of pink tie dye on the right and whatever-just-came-to-my-mind-yesterday-evening on the left.


  1. Hi! I love your blog, could you perhaps set up some way for me to follow it? Like GFC or Bloglovin? I'd love to keep up to date with it!

    1. sure, it is on tumblr, could that work for you? I'll look at the options, I didn't realize it could be a problem ( I use rss gReader android app to follow blogs)
      And I'm really happy you like my blog, you are one of my favourite bloggers :)

  2. Really love these! I could never do something like this on my non-dominant hand haha.

    New follower here :)

    1. Thank you! You know how it is with painting, practice makes perfect... well, when it comes to non-dominant hand, practice only makes less imprecise :D


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