
Thursday 29 August 2013

Summer, don't leave!

Hey people!
I woke up and it was raining. Sure, rain is fine, we need rain. But it was cold, I was cold, the weather was all autumn and the only thing keeping me from feeling under the weather was my manicure. I did it the night before, my first skittles (I wanted to try a new technique but I couldn't decide which colour).

I prefer when my nails are all the same, skittlette manis bother me a bit (but I can live with them), and that's the reason I haven't done skittles yet, they look too funny in person.
I did this by stroking striping brush horizontally over my nail, if that's understandable. The base is Gabriella Salvete 148, colours are acrylics and on top is one coat of NYC Turbo Dry Top Coat (!!). Oh yes, different top coat, no more Essence BTGN. This is how it happened: I went to local drug store where they sell Essence products and I found out, that my favourite BTGN was sold out, because it was half the usual price! So not just that I missed a bargain, but I couldn't buy the top coat. It was undoubtedly universe speaking, saying that I should try different top coat, most probably the one I had been looking at past few months because of good reviews. I did it, here it is.

By the way, I added tumblr and bloglovin link to the side bar, so you can follow me easily there. I didn't feel nerdy enough to do more HTML to add picture buttons and stuff, later, I guess.

You can see my right hand now, it is practically the same as the left.

Back to where I started. I woke up, looked at my nails and asked summer to stay little longer. Then I had to get up the bed and make some proper photos for the blog. With tea. Hot tea is my rescue in cold mornings.

Sadly you can't see the steam going up the mug. Just imagine, okay? Especially if your mornings are getting colder every day as mine are.
To not be all pessimistic, I'm actually looking forward wearing more subtle colours after all the bright spring-summer manicures I did, aren't you?
Take care!(so you don't catch a cold, I know I will eventually)


  1. Just so you know... the topcoat is discontinued :(. I love this mani, found your blog because The Nailasaurus recommended you on Twitter and I can see why ♥!

    1. Wow, THE Nailasaurus recommended MY blog? omg :D great to know, I was wondering how did I get so many visitors today... thanks for your support too.
      And why, god why, did they discontinue the best product they had? I hope we can expect some sort of replacement.

  2. Yep, our Slovak facebook-page girl wrote about that. It is discontinued sadly. And btw, how is NYC Turbo Dry Top Coat, I was looking at that one in drugstore, but I think I will try Sally Hansen Insta Dri first...

    1. NYC Top Coat? Well, I used it just twice so far, so it is hard to judge, I will add it to the "every-post products" page (top bar) after knowing it better. I'll write my impression in Czech, cause that's obvoiusly easier and you will understand... když jsem ho lakovala přes ne uplně zashlé dvě vrstvy laku, nebylo to tak rychle suché a odolné jako s BTGN, když jsem ho lakovala přes akrylky (u těch skittles), tak jsem se schnutím neměla problém, má trochu jiný povrch na dotek, míň gumový (?) :D, a přijde mi řidší, takže neudělá tak hladkou tlustou ,,gelovou" vrstvu; žádný jiný top coat než tyhle dva jsem nezkoušela, Sally je má na můj vkus moc drahé s nejistým výsledkem, jestli do něj pujdeš, jsem zvědavá na tvé dojmy

    2. :) Ani neviem, prečo som písala v angličtine :D no, keď miniem posledné zásoby BTGN (ešte mám celý jeden nový) budem sa rozhodovať ktorý, či od SH alebo NYC... pozriem asi ešte nejaké recenzie. Škoda BTGN, kým prídem do Bratislavy, už to bude vyrabvané, už minule som brala posledný.

    3. Ahoj... Po tom ako som hejtovala na slovenskom Essence facebooku, že zrušia najlepší nadlak, mi dnes prišla odpoveď, že VRAJ ho nezrušia a presunie sa medzi "bežné" produkty (my to tu máme rozdelené na jeden stojan - ten je vo väčšine miest a sú tam také basic veci a dvojstojan - tam je všetko :D)... Vravím si, uverím až uvidím. Tak či tak, zaujímavá informácia :)

    4. oukej, dík za informaci, my máme stojany oba, ale zatím tam není, pokud je, tak má možná jinou lahvičku a fakt by mě zajímalo jakou :D nic s nálepkou ,,new" a popisem gel top coat jsem tam vážně neobjevila

    5. Neviem kedy by to malo byť... Ale vraj by sa malo niečo také objaviť. Aj keď som realista :D

  3. Awesome nails! They kind of look like sugarspun nails but without the mess.. I think I have to try this, but with polish instead of acrylic paint..

    1. Thanks! Sugarspun is exactly what I was thinking after I saw how this looks in the photos :) I'm not sure, how is polish going to work, if you try it, I'd love to see, so let me know then!

  4. This looks amazing! By the way, I nominated you for the Liebster Award!

    1. okay, and thank you? I don't know how to feel about this, I hate chain letter things, but this seems harmless, I'll figure it out later (like in next few days)


Your comments always cheer me up so much! So don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on nail art, the post or to ask any questions.