
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Houndstooth 3 in 1 (+tutorial)

Hey! I'm back to school now and this is my back-to-school manicure. I like my nails to match my outfit, complete it maybe, but when I go to school, I don't really have time to do my nails every other day, that's why I often prefer more neutral colours. This time I found a different way out of this. I painted my pointer and pinky solid colour on peel off base and the rest was normal-base houndstooth. This way it took like no time to change the colour of my nails. I originally intended to wear houndstooth for the whole week, but I bought glowing in the dark top coat and I can't wait to use it properly (next post!).

day 3
day 2
day 1

This was my third try on houndstooth, the first (January?) one was too imperfect, but I'm showing you old photo of the second (March?) one, which was as good as this week's was.

In the title, I promised you a (sort of) tutorial on how to successfully freehand houndstooth on both your hands. Home-made decals do all the magic. Let me describe the process:

Get a foil. Or solid plastic bag, I don't know, I use this:

I take the foil and polish a 2 x 8 cm piece of it (size depends on how many nails you're doing and how big they are). Two layers of white.

When that dries completely, I use gel pen to draw the houndstooth, nothing complicated, you just need good gel pen. I like vector brand, but it's probably not available in other countries. When the gel pen dries (I wait for about 5 minutes), I cover it with top coat. Then I wait about an hour, the layers should be completely dry before moving to next step.

Next step is cutting the polished foil into regular decals shape, so it fits your nails. Understandable? Then I separate the foil and the polish (it comes off super easily) and put second layer of base coat on my nails, I wait a little and then I place the decal on my nail, push it and make sure it fits. I seal it with top coat. That's it!

See? My right hand design looks entirely the same as my left!
Polishes I used:
S-he 306 (white)
Gabriella Salvete 128
Rimmel 405 Rose Libertine
Oriflame Coral Red
NYC Turbo Dry Top Coat
Miss Sporty Check Matte

classic matte red on the third day
Sadly, I won't be posting very often in next months, school keeps me occupied, but I'll try to do AT LEAST one post a week. Right now I'm procrastinating learning flowers, biology, shit. Days just need more hours, that's for sure.

fresh blue for the first day of school
Which of those four colours do you like the most? I felt the best with pink but I can't decide looking at the photos.
Bye, bye, and wish me more time so I can blog!


  1. Vyzerá to super so všetkými farbami, ani si neviem vybrať s ktorou najviac :P

    1. Dobrý, nejsem jediná :D musím říct, že pro moje okolí vedla růžová a červená

    2. Tak ja teda poviem modrú, aby to bolo vyrovnané :D

  2. Looks great! I think I like the pink best :)
    BTW, what kinda foil?

    1. the foil I use is called ''eurofolie'' in czech, normally you put paper in it to protect it and to make the manipulation easier, it is used in office.. does this answer your question? I'm not sure, what did you want to know about the foil :D
      also, thank you!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you and.. yep, I would go mad if I were to paint houndstooth with my non-dominant hand :D

  4. Thanks for this great tutorial - I can't wait to try this foil method :)

    1. I'm glad you like it! (and that it's understandable :D ) let me know if you try it-post it, please, I'd love to see :)


Your comments always cheer me up so much! So don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on nail art, the post or to ask any questions.