
Sunday 8 September 2013

Irradiated Tie Dye

Hi! In previous post, I mentioned buying a glowing top coat and of course I couldn't wait to use it in a full manicure. I did a bit of testing on fake nails and figured, that the best colours to use it on top of are white, yellow and mint. And what design goes perfect with these colour and glowing? Tie dye! Or, you know, my version of tie dye, which is not really tie dye, but I don't know what else to call it.

I wanted glowing polish for so long, but it wasn't available in local drug stores until now. My wish came true with Essence Glow in the Night 18 fly firefly fly. As a top coat, it makes your design little milky, like when you do + brightness and - contrast in a photo editor. For that reason, I painted lighter part of the design, then I covered it with two coats of firefly and when they dried, I finished the design, added darker colours and contrast. This way milky layer doesn't show much during the day. And of course, there is a coat or two of NYC Turbo Dry top coat. The base white polish is Gabriella Salvete 148, as usual, the rest are acrylics.

Firefly doesn't dry super fast, the drying time is rather average. To make it glow really bright, you first have to put it under a source of light, as expected. On the bottle, they recommend you to paint two layers, but it glows well with one. It glows green, really eye catching. I tried to capture it:

In the photos, you can see the tie dye shapes, but they don't show that much in person.

Right hand above turned out well.

I live in Moravia, region of wine, and our town held a Wine Festival this weekend (Slovácké slavnosti vína), so I figured grapes are just the thing I should be taking pictures with this time.

You can say I really like this kind of tie dye, I like painting it and wearing it, this green-ish version as much as the pink. I must admit I was to lazy to come up with completely different shaped swirls than last (pink) time, so - especially the left hand - they look very similar, less complicated.

Do you own a glowing polish? If so, how much do you love it? :D No, seriously, I get too excited every time I see my fingers glowing bright.
If you were interested, I could do sort of tutorial on these, just let me know.
[Note: You can find the tutorial here now.]
No idea what's coming next, but there is huge probability, it will glow.


  1. I will be investing in some glow in the dark nail polish soon. Now I just have to figure out where they sell this near me.

    1. Yaay! Right time to do it, with halloween (and early darkness) around the corner ;)

  2. This is SO beautiful!! Yes, do a tutorial, I wanna recreate these :D

    I wanted a glow-in-dark polish so badly too, so when I found one while I was in the US i bought one.. But I haven't used it yet :/ I don't know how to incorporate it!

    1. okay, I guess I'll do it at the weekend :) or sooner, dunno
      also, thank you!

  3. Oooo!! LOve your version of tie dye! :D So pretty! I own a few glow in the dark top coat/polishes as well but haven't use them. I guess I should use them sooner or later hehe! :3

    And I.... look forward to the tutorial! ;D

    1. thank you, I took the photos (for the tutorial) yesterday, so I'm halfway there! :)

  4. I have the same topcoat but haven't really tried it yet!

  5. Oh no the glowing one indeed :).


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