
Saturday 19 October 2013

Outlined Marble Tutorial

Heey, I have the Outlined Marble tutorial for you today!

final result
You'll need black (and white, not necessary, though) acrylic paint, water, normal nail art brush, flat paint brush (optional) and white polish. And top coat, obviously.

The Process:
1. Paint your nails white (with polish) and let it dry. Now you need to cover it in water, but the water most probably won't stay where you want it (because of the glossy polish finish). To make it work, dip your brush in a little bit of white paint (you can dip it in any other colour), then in water, and cover your nail in paint dissolved in water. Wipe it off. Your nails should be ready to be covered in pure water now.
2. Cover your nails in water, dip brush in colour you want to dissolve and touch your nail with it gently. Regular watercolour.
3. Keep doing n. 2.
4. If the colour gets where you don't want it, just grab a piece of tissue and soak it off. But carefully, this can ruin all you've done.
5.-7. Experiment. The result depends on your tools and will always be different. Add colour(s) and water and see where it gets you.
8. Outline.
9. Finish outlining. Wait for it to dry and seal it with top coat.

Additional Tips:
Get rid of the water left around cuticles before you move to outlining.
If you don't like what you created you can always wipe it off while it's still wet.
I can always see some sort of cracks in the top coat after sealing my design, don't worry if that happens to you too, just add another layer of top coat.
If you're thinking of buying acrylics but you're not entirely sure yet, stop that hesitating and get them, I can't imagine doing this with polish.

The Brushes:
In this mani, I use flat paint brush from craft store, it has hard hair and I cut down its size. It is not a one stroke brush, not at all.

dipped in paint
For outlining I use the longer brush from the photo below:

I really like this technique as it is quite quick and simple, I've used it three times so far, it always turns out different. (Photos are linked to original posts.)

Outlined Galaxy
Don't Panic
Outlined Marble
I did my best to explain the process, but I feel like it wasn't enough anyway, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'll be happy to answer them.
If you recreate this sort-of-watercolour, be sure to let me know (even in the comments), I'd love to see it! :)
And, just to remind you, @nailuminium is on Instagram now, check it out and follow for more up-to-date mani photos.
Take care!


  1. Now that's a marbling nail art and effect we don't often - and we should! So darn beautiful! I love the softness of this mani also it's such a unique take on marble nail art!

  2. this is like the loveliest comment ever! thank yoooou

  3. Wow these are beautiful! I love the finished effect!

  4. I love how this turned out, but I don't understand the process at all

  5. oh yes, I'm sorry about that, I didn't know how to explain it further, I'm glad you like it thought <3


Your comments always cheer me up so much! So don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on nail art, the post or to ask any questions.