
Wednesday 11 December 2013

Christmas Tribal Tutorial

Hey! Tutorial time, you can find more photos of this mani in previous post.
Tuto after the jump!

I chose ring and index fingers for the tutorial, I didn't do a tutorial for my left hand with the reindeer and snowflakes, because they were pretty difficult to paint for me and I guess there is no easy way to do them.

The Process:
1. White base.
2. Paint horizontal stripes with colours of your choice.
3.-6. Doodle.
I think the pictorials say it all.

My Tools:

The base is Gabriella Salvete 148, top coat is NYC Turbo Dry.
I used acrylic paint and three brushes I use most.

regular, striper, detailing
I call them thin striper, detailing and regular nail art brush, but they are just common cut down brushes. I got the red two from craft store and the black one in a nail art set, the difference (besides the length) is in the hair, black brush has them more solid.

plus white, of course
So far I've done tribal mani three times (this one included), the process is the same, even the doodles are quite similar.
(photos are linked to the original posts)

Christmas Tribal
Greyscale Tribal
Indian Tribal
So that's it! Hope you like it, in case you have any questions feel free to ask!
Bye bye!


  1. Gorgeous mani! Tribals are so hard to get right. I need to find tiny nail art brushes like yours. It would help with doing details on my tiny nails! Adding you to my blog roll. Can't wait to see more!

  2. when it comes to tiny brushes you can always cut down some thicker ones, right? It really makes a huge difference :)
    Thank you very much!

  3. I can't handle those lines and tiny details. But I love yours!


Your comments always cheer me up so much! So don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on nail art, the post or to ask any questions.