
Tuesday 15 July 2014

Tropical Floral & Blog Anniversary

It's been a year since I wrote my first post here.
Wait... what?!
I know, I can't believe it either.
Things changed, but they didn't change as much as I expected. You know, my nail art is better, I have fancier tools, my nail polish collection is twice as large (still under 100, though) and I even got to cooperate with some companies. I'm pretty excited about the number of my followers, it's almost 10k on the Instagram, that was the dream in July 2013, thank you guys <3.
I actually have a life this summer holiday (unlike last year), so I don't menage to post as often as I would like to. Speaking of writing posts, for those of you who feel like I did a year ago: when I was to write my first post in English, it took ages, I had to think through every sentence, it took about ten posts to get relatively fluent. I can tell writing in English is quite natural for me now, I even improved my spelling thanks to spell check :D. I'm not saying it's flawless, though, I'm sure it's not, especially when it comes to tenses...
We're all reading this for the nail art, right? Well... (I'm so not original this time)

It was a lazy day (too lazy to do all ten fingers) and I wanted to try this tropical pattern. The two polishes I used were both The New Black and I painted the flowers with acrylic paint.

I'm not really sure what else to say about the design...
Anyway, I want to say huge THANK YOU to all my followers (and occasional readers), to all of you who comment on my posts - we all need feedback and to other nail artists for inspiring me from the very beginning.
Let me know how you feel about your blogging history - if you are a blogger, or whether you're thinking of starting a blog - if you don't have one yet... :)
Bye bye!


  1. I improved my English too trough blogging :)
    About your nail art, the design looks very neat and the colors are great together!

  2. I don't write english very well but i really love your nail design! And happy blog anniversary!

  3. thank you, this was the first step to prepare myself for orange polish I want to try (orange nails feel weird, but I want to give it a go) :D

  4. you're lucky to speak french, at least it's a "world" language, if I wrote in Czech.. well, no :D
    thanks for your kindness :)

  5. I just had my first blog anniversary too and I sure have learned and grown a lot in this last year! I love this mani so much! I hope you keep on doing what you're doing for many years to come!

  6. Congrats on one year of blogging! My 1st blog anniversary is coming up in less than a month, weird to think it's been that long! These nails are really lovely, the flowers look great (:

  7. Such a beautiful design :)

  8. Happy bloggiversary! One year and still under hundred polishes, that deserves another congratulation! And so much creativity and ability! Congrats again!

    I havenmy fingertip gallery as my.... hmmm not the first blog, since I had my artblog years ago and some others. I guess I'm some kind of dinosaur in the blogworld? 8years maybe... but my fingertip gallery is about 15 months old but proper blogging on it started last Christmas ...^^ I enjoy it very much, but always have had breaks with almost nothing. Offline life!

    Ive just started yet another blog, my blogsale... but that's not quite the same as a, real blog".

    I think your english is fine! Its a good exercise to really use it. I have my fingertip gallery in two languages, and I don't ahave "true translations",rather tell everything twice. So its more fun ^^

    All the very best from Berlin ....and do keep on blogging and nail painting!

  9. thank you! I wish I did the comparation like you did in your anniversary post.. maybe next time :3

  10. ooh, remember the weird feeling in the begining: is this really going to
    last more than few months? and then here we are, celebrating year
    anniversary :)

  11. well, reading about your blogging history, I must admit I had a blog before, but I was like 11 years old and it was completely in Czech and let's be honest, quite silly :D
    I can't imagine writing everything twice, plus I kind of feel like I know nail art better in english than in czech, like is there even a solid word for "water marble" in czech? :D I would probably have to come up with some new vocabulary
    I love how people from all over the world do nail art, though germany is just around the corner (or border :D ), it's still pretty cool
    thanks for sharing all this with me! and good luck with handling the combination of offline life and blogging, that makes me struggel too ;)

  12. Erin Hall Lewis22 July 2014 at 17:37

    Happy Bloggiversary! I, for one, have never had a problem with your English.

    These nails are amazing and lovely. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world!

  13. thank you for your kind words! it's all my pleasure ;)

  14. Happy anniversary! I love these cute tropical flowers
    I have a tumblr which I post my nail art on but I'm considering starting a 'real' blog- would you recommend it? Thanks x

  15. Hey! When it comes to starting a blog, you have to consider the time it would take. I was able to post twice a week when I started, now I'm happy if I post once a week, I'm a student and it got difficult to manage both blogging, studying and, most of all, living. On the other hand it's perfect for fully expressing yourself, especially with all the photos and tutorials.
    If you start a blog, I wish you good luck and let me know about it, so I can check it out! ;)


Your comments always cheer me up so much! So don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on nail art, the post or to ask any questions.