
Thursday 25 December 2014

Midnight Tribal

I hope you're all having lovely holidays.
I did today's mani few weeks ago, it was supposed to be Christmas themed, but it turned out other way. Still you can see little trees and tiny fish that I painted to get it at least a little bit christmasy.
The day after I painted this I left to Germany for the whole week and I didn't get to take photos with my normal camera. I had to go with my cell phone and as I didn't really have time to play around with nails, my photos are rather bad. Forgive me this time, please.

Monday 15 December 2014

Brocade Nails

Do you remember my baroque nails? I even made a tutorial for them! And today I'm showing you a new version of my baroque design. I used it just as an accent nail, it was a busy week but I still wanted special nails.

Monday 8 December 2014

Limited Stripes

I had no idea what to call this design. I did it a while ago for a mani swap with talented Swiftpolish (picture of the swap at the end of this post) and I got a lot of positive reactions - and I also liked it very much myself.

Keep reading to find out more about the process!

Saturday 29 November 2014

Cherries (+tutorial)

It's been a long time since I made a tutorial. I did these nails about a month ago and I finally got to make the tuto and the post.

Keep reading for the tutorial!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Tribal Chevron

Today's mani was inspired by Very Emily, one of my favourite nail artists. It's all freehand and all Rimmel and acrylics. I loved this surprising colour combo and I knew I would recreate the mani the moment I saw it. For the tribal-ish design, I started with white base, made teal and violet chevron stripes and finished it with black tribal details.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Halloween Tribal

Finally. I'm back home from the USA, the trip was awesome but I didn't have time to do my nails or to blog, so I ended up wearing this halloween mani for 14 days (!!). Minor chips occurred but I was pleasantly surprised how long it could last. I'm also a bit late with posting this (a bit? haha, 10 days), as it was meant for halloween.

Sunday 19 October 2014


I'm so behind with posting! I'm ashamed, but I'll be busy travelling during next few weeks so it probably won't get better any time soon. If you want to follow my most recent designs, be sure to check my Instagram ;) Let's have a look at todays design:

I wanted to use black and white acrylic paint and I also wanted to try this silver The New Black polish. I ended up with quite out-of-my-comfort-zone design.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Guest post at Nerdy & Fleurty

Nerdy & Fleurty asked me to do a guest post, the first guest post I ever made.

It was surprisingly enjoyable to write a post for someone else. Head over to the post on ther blog to find out more about this mani, the polishes, the tools, the process. :)

Sunday 5 October 2014

Celebration Nails

As some of you may know, there was a contest about a month (or two) ago at the Nailpolis to celebrate their reaching 1 million facebook fans. The task was to create ultimate celebration mani, you can find out more here. It sounded fun, so I decided to come up with something too.

And you know what? I won! :)
There were three winners and I was lucky enough to be one of them.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Sky High


Today's design was supposed to look completely different. I was actually going for abstract geometric kind of design, but it went wrong at the beginning and I painted some swirls instead. So here I am posting another Van-Gogh-ish mani, another swirls, cause I love them so much.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Abstract Painting

I did this design quite a long ago, few months I think, but somehow I didn't get to post it until now.

I got the inspiration from a painting I saw in my Art class in school, it looked very similar, but in red.

Monday 15 September 2014

Pop Geometry (+tutorial)

I sat down the other day to paint my nails without anything specific on my mind. I got to painting and I ended up with popular geometric pattern, or, whatever you want to call it.

Tutorial after the jump!

Sunday 7 September 2014

BP Store Review: Brushes & Acrylic Paint

After I did the first Born Pretty Brush Kit review I realised I didn't have many detailing brushes. So I got some...

I painted these nail art wheel nails and then I trimmed the brushes down, they are thin, but I prefer thinner. Keep reading for a closer looks and some more about the paint I use.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Matte Dots & Candy Colors Fluorescent Polish #11 Review

You know I have a thing for glowing nails, right? So far I only saw my nails glowing green-ish and I was quite curious about this red glowing polish I was about to try. I'll show you the nail art first...

I didn't know how to use neon pink in nail art, I don't really wear pinks and reds much, so I ended up with the simplest design: dots. I say neon but you see subtle pink? Oh yes, I'm sorry, my camera didn't capture the colour properly.

Continue reading for the review, photos of the red glow and most importantly more photos of glowing dotticure! Oh, and just so you know: picture heavy!

Sunday 24 August 2014

Dripping From A Side

These were sort of nail fail... But I picked some decent photos so it doesn't look like a disaster at all. I had no exact plan when I started painting these, I took a fan brush, made gradient base and started thinking. I decided to do drops, but it was a busy week, so I didn't manage to do them on both hands. I thought I would finish my nails later, but I didn't get to it fast enough - I removed these after only two days of wearing.

Above I chose to use my old hand pose for the drops.
Below is my right hand I never finished.

Saturday 16 August 2014


I had the idea of painting a landscape on my mind for a while... You see, I LOVE painting landscapes on regular canvas, but I couldn't imagine wearing a landscape painting on my nails. Well, the time came and I gave it a go.

I didn't really like the outcome on my left hand, so I left the right unfinished, no hills, just sky.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Op Art! (+tutorial)

today I'm showing you a mani I did back in June, I had it on my mind for a while and when I finally got to do it I knew it would be a perfect one for a tutorial. My Arts teacher in school paid a lot of attention to modern art history and he got me interested in it as well.
Well, have a look!

Keep reading for a tutorial!

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Purple Splashes

Whoa, it's been two weeks since my last post, I'm terribly ashamed.
My last week was pretty busy and today I finally got to editing photos and writing posts. I loved wearing the design I have for you today, I made it when I was trying my new Born Pretty brushes (review here) and I discovered I could do awesome abstractions with a fan brush.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

BP Store Review: Nail Art Wheel & Brushes

Do you know my nail-art-brushes history? No? Oh, wait, there wasn't any until today.
You see, for the first year or two of my nail art obsession I used regular craft store brushes that I cut down a lot, the bristles aren't really soft, but they are cheap and work just fine. About a year ago I bought cheap 5pc brush kit, but I ended up using most of the brushes for makeup instead of nail art, only one of them was useful, perfect for floral designs.
And now I own 15pc nail art brush kit from Born Pretty Store, wow.
I was wise and also I got nail art wheel with the brushes to have something to try them on. I didn't fill it yet, I painted seven designs and tried almost all the brushes. I took photos of the brushes after I used them for the first time, that's why some of them aren't completely clean, the paint wouldn't come off. In the photo below you can see what I painted next to the brushes I used.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Tropical Floral & Blog Anniversary

It's been a year since I wrote my first post here.
Wait... what?!
I know, I can't believe it either.
Things changed, but they didn't change as much as I expected. You know, my nail art is better, I have fancier tools, my nail polish collection is twice as large (still under 100, though) and I even got to cooperate with some companies. I'm pretty excited about the number of my followers, it's almost 10k on the Instagram, that was the dream in July 2013, thank you guys <3.
I actually have a life this summer holiday (unlike last year), so I don't menage to post as often as I would like to. Speaking of writing posts, for those of you who feel like I did a year ago: when I was to write my first post in English, it took ages, I had to think through every sentence, it took about ten posts to get relatively fluent. I can tell writing in English is quite natural for me now, I even improved my spelling thanks to spell check :D. I'm not saying it's flawless, though, I'm sure it's not, especially when it comes to tenses...
We're all reading this for the nail art, right? Well... (I'm so not original this time)

Thursday 3 July 2014

Hipster Nails & Candy Colors Fluorescent Polish #9 Review

I'll warn you in advance: this is going to be a long post. I have a review to make. Oh yes, I do reviews now. Like this one. And possibly one more in following weeks. But that's it, so no, I'm not planning to overwhelm you with reviews. Mostly because that would mean overwhelming you with posts in general and I'd rather stick to the one or two per week. Forgive me, lovely readers.
Enough of the bla bla, to the point!

I'm actually not sure, why I painted so-called-hipster nails. I wanted to paint a deer and I had this purple galaxy-like base (below) and one thing led to another...

This is the polish I'm reviewing today, it's hard to tell what it's called from the bottle, but in the BP store they call it Candy Colors Fluorescent Polish. 
Keep reading for swatches, glow in the dark photos and most importantly the rest of the design!

Friday 27 June 2014


Hey! So, I just got back from a LARP trip (which is also the reason I'm a bit late with this post) and I'm still wearing the design I made for this event. I needed something medieval, pale colours that wouldn't show some minor chips and as usual, I didn't really know what I would paint when I sat down to do it. I started with a wooden base (also used in Tribal Chevron and Wooden, Blue and Aztec) and as I was looking at the wooden look I came up with the idea of woodcarving imitation on my nails...

Saturday 14 June 2014

Lollipop Nails (+tutorial)

I have another tutorial for you today. And another swirl design, I like painting them so much - there is no need to be precise.

My original intention wasn't to paint lollipop nails, I wanted to paint swirls and then they happened to be pink. I didn't have the final image in my mind when I started, it was pretty random.

Tutorial after the jump!

Sunday 8 June 2014

H&M Tribal (+tutorial)

Hello there!
About a month ago I entered the H&M with no intentions of buying anything. My intentions had to be quickly reconsidered right after I saw this lovely tribal pencil case waiting for me. Both sides agreed it was love at first sight. No matter how bad I felt for replacing my good old pencil case I had to have this one. Not only for the pencils but also for the design itself, I could see it on my nails that moment already.

Keep reading for a simple tutorial!

Sunday 1 June 2014


I wanted to paint some birds on my nails, but I wasn't sure how to make it a whole design. Then I also bought new matte top coat, which is actually called Essence 24/7 nail base, but who cares, it's perfectly matte. This, somehow, led to what you see now...

Originally I wanted to have trippy colourful fog in the background, but I ended up with (also colourful and trippy) clouds, making it look a bit more like the sky.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Purple Distraction

I sat down to paint my nails the other day, but I was out of inspiration. I went through some of my older designs and ended up using the technique from my Tie Dye tutorial.

Saturday 17 May 2014


This time I was inspired by a ring. A ring I got from my Belgian friend as a good-bye gift. I loved it but I'm not much of a ring person. Then I got this idea...

A month later Elise, the Belgian friend, came for a visit to the Czech Republic and for that occasion I matched my nails to the ring. I also painted her nails with sweet roses (more about that at the end of this post).

Saturday 10 May 2014

Stripes And Rounds (+tutorial)

I admit I wasn't very creative coming up with the title. I wore these nails for around ten days, I made them for my Belgium trip, that's also the reason the base is nude - the chips don't show that much.

The design was inspired by the pinky from  this mani over at Boom Nails, I loved it the moment I saw it and saved it for later.
Keep reading for simple tutorial!